Well, We Know Resolutions Don’t Work! Now Is The Opportune Time To Shift Gears For A New Mindset. – Amy Jordan

Well, We Know Resolutions Don’t Work! Now Is The Opportune Time To Shift Gears For A New Mindset.

And just like that we are in full force into a new year.  The fury of the holiday season is in the rear-view mirror.

Goal setting is important, but only if followed up with all-out action.  What can I achieve today to create a bigger victory tomorrow?  Success leaves clues.  The question is then, are we paying attention? What will your new mindset look like?

Looking at the continued sad state of the world, hope and humanism seem like lofty ideals.  To this note the word for 2023 is Resilience.  I say it over and over, never underestimate the power of your life.

This year let’s focus on replacing apathy with courage.  Let’s dialogue more and judge less.  The ability to filter thoughts and take a step back is something we can do to stop the hateful rhetoric and learn to respectfully disagree.

Let’s arm ourselves with history and real education. What we see on social media is fabricated.  What we see in most of the news is propaganda.  Let’s become a new generation of informed, free thinkers who can pause, and critically assess a situation before we just react. 

There has never been a better moment in time to self-reflect, take responsibility and, as the famed Ghandi quote states: ‘Be the change we want to see.’  We have so much more power and ability to effect positive change in our own lives and society.

How does this happen, you may ask?  It circles back to remaining consistent and resilient. 

Let’s really take action to show immense proof of our capacity by achieving our goals and dreams.  Let’s teach our young people the value of focused work, effort, and patience.  The learning and growing process is long, winding, takes time, and yes, resilience. 

Young people must be equipped with life skills, social, economic, physical, and emotional.  Without the ups and downs, the wins, and losses of life, we cannot learn how to cope with any challenges.  Wisdom is gained from experience, not a handout.   A little hard work and grit go a long way in the game of life.

As we settle into a new year let’s find our own style of resilience and take back our power.   What actions are we willing to take to create success in all areas of our lives?  Will we stop eating sugar for one week?  Will we implement an exercise and wellness routine?  Will we see a therapist if we need support to break through an emotional roadblock?  Will we be kinder and gentler driving in the car, waiting in the grocery line, etc.  Will we genuinely smile and say thank you?

These are such simple concepts that we can implement immediately.  Let’s make this the year of a brilliant human revolution that brings more happiness and success than we can imagine.

It’s up to us!  For today, make a list of what we can accomplish this week. Big results come from small, daily actions.  This is resilience over resolutions.

And remember, never underestimate the power of your life.


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